Puzzling Illusion

Wood Puzzle Illusion

via maniacworld

13 Responses to "Puzzling Illusion"

  1. nice watch eh

  2. How the heck did they build that!

  3. people who say "eh" turn me on...

  4. very good *claps*

  5. that is some wierd shit right there

  6. vary tricky

  7. it's messing with my vision and my brain,,, cool.... ohh yea i forgot, i say "eh" all the time 😉

  8. The end doesn't meet up on the bottom right corner (follow the shadow)

  9. now I wanna build one

  10. Ben is correct. Lay it down flat on its back and two pieces will be sticking straight up. One long and one short. Long piece slightly mitered on the end too enhance the illusion caused by the camera angle. The Shadow is a dead giveaway. This was mentally taxing but i love a challenge.

  11. I'm not quite sure why the watch is there - some sort of distraction maybe, but the shadows are certainly good clues. They appear to be in two directions which to me suggests that there were two lamps and possibly (probably?) two photographs, which were then merged. for more go to the m c escher site at http://www.mcescher.com/

  12. i hate math

  13. very good
    zahid khagwani

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