Posted in: Humor, Pics
Tags: commute, free riding, metro, train, transportation
Holy Shit that's so dangerous!!
Oh.My.God!!! Is copying Jackass or something?
omg he is so dangerous
hahahahahaaaa this is great
I hope this is not the head wagon... because in case of fall he won't be able to repeate this experiance again!
That's freaking brilliant!
He found a way of getting on a train without paying
This pic it taken in Sarajevo, great
he is actually riding a tram
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Holy Shit that's so dangerous!!
Oh.My.God!!! Is copying Jackass or something?
omg he is so dangerous
hahahahahaaaa this is great
I hope this is not the head wagon... because in case of fall he won't be able to repeate this experiance again!
That's freaking brilliant!
He found a way of getting on a train without paying
This pic it taken in Sarajevo, great
he is actually riding a tram