Sofa Cake

Skull Floor

Walking On Miniature Porcelain Skulls

100,000 Porcelain Skulls Floor

Art Installation ‘What Will You Leave Behind?’ by Nino Sarabutra

Found via Laughing Squid

Anamorphic Portraits

Anamorphic Mahatma Gandhi Portrait

Anamorphic Installation by Bernard Pras


Wall of Stacked Furniture, Cabinets And Appliances

‘Shades & Variables’ by Michael Johansson

What Time Is It?

Room With Walls And Cieling Covered With Clocks

‘Aint Panting A Pain’ by Richard Jackson

Photo by C-Monter

Umbrella Canopy

Umbrella Street Canopy In Portugal

Umbrella Sky Project by Sextafeira Producoes

Photo c/o Patricia Almeida

Beetle Ball

1953 Volkswagen Beetle Shaped Into A Ball

Beetle Sphere by Ichwan Noor

Photo c/o See-ming Lee

Steamer Sphere

Sphere of Vegetable Steamers Public Sculpture Installation In Brisbane, Australia

Sculpture by Donna Marcus

Found at Contemporist

Moth Swarm

Paper Moths

‘Black Cloud’ by Carlos Amorales

No-Slip Love

Heart Grip Tape

Installation by Matt Braun