The batting practice video is fake. The batter simply bats several balls and the clay interaction "explosion" is added in post-production. If you doubt this, just ask yourself why the clay discs travel in different trajectories even though they're mechanically shot -- they should all follow the same path, but in the video they do not (because the batter can't bat exactly the same).
Name (required) Said :
"gdm" and "David L Good" are fake. These aren't people but words on a computer screen. Look for yourself. Don't believe the lies.
basit Said :
great video, obviously it is fake but it is one of the best vids on youtube
Mireille Knetsch Said :
FB uses I frames but they are frowned upon in html go figure
The batting practice video is fake. The batter simply bats several balls and the clay interaction "explosion" is added in post-production. If you doubt this, just ask yourself why the clay discs travel in different trajectories even though they're mechanically shot -- they should all follow the same path, but in the video they do not (because the batter can't bat exactly the same).
"gdm" and "David L Good" are fake. These aren't people but words on a computer screen. Look for yourself. Don't believe the lies.
great video, obviously it is fake but it is one of the best vids on youtube
FB uses I frames but they are frowned upon in html go figure