i guess dis doggy thinks RULES are meant to b BROKEN.....
Kiera Said :
Aww, totally looks like my dog Charlotte!!
mitchy Said :
Charlotte Said :
Hey, this is your dog, and yah, it was me!! lol just kiddin, had to say something
princess/analisa Said :
it's a chauawa
dokoru!chan Said :
(Cocker spaniel. Definetly.)
Zoe Said :
cute!! wish i had a dog like that. i got two mini poodles but spaniels like that r the best. i look after my bff's spaniel though, so i'm good 4 now 😛
Cute!! 🙂
looking through the portal
i guess dis doggy thinks RULES are meant to b BROKEN.....
Aww, totally looks like my dog Charlotte!!
Hey, this is your dog, and yah, it was me!! lol just kiddin, had to say something
it's a chauawa
(Cocker spaniel. Definetly.)
cute!! wish i had a dog like that. i got two mini poodles but spaniels like that r the best. i look after my bff's spaniel though, so i'm good 4 now 😛