Defending The Island

Cat Swatting Dog

22 Responses to "Defending The Island"

  1. Go, cat, go!

  2. Awesome pic!!!

  3. who said a dog beats a cat!lol!


  5. Wouldn't want to mess with this cat!

  6. oooh i love this

  7. go kitttttttttty
    i love you!

  8. *sniff* one of them were hurt in the end 🙁

  9. hahaha that's funny that the cat is defending the island hahaha

  10. Lol that is epikness!!!

  11. My money's on the cat.

  12. the dogs is toast

  13. cat power rocks! 🙂

  14. This sucks!! Poor cat!! Dog should be on a bloody lead!!

  15. yah! go cat!

  16. Why should the dog be on lead any more than a cat?

  17. Don't like this pic, they both look way too serious and I hope the cat is still alive and well. Terrible thing to do to a cat

  18. wow this is halariously funny. i hope the both make it out alive....

  19. that dog look hella mad
    like u dame cat grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

  20. KITTY WINS KOTH!! (King of the hill)

  21. This is so racist.

  22. Dogs should be on leads because they run out into the road, hassle humans, hassle other dogs, hassle cats etc
    Cats are free to roam and represent very little risk to anyone.

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